Downspout Extensions in Indianapolis, Indiana and the Surrounding Areas
SwainCo. Crawl Space and Basement Repair downspout extensions can help keep your crawl space or basement dry and help protect your home's foundation by installing permanent ground downspout extensions that take water from your roof away from your home.
Why Are Downspout Extensions Important?
The roof of your home produces a large amount of water during heavy Indiana rainstorms. In fact, on a 1200 sq. ft. roof, one inch of rain will produce around 720 gallons of water. That is an extremely large amount of water that flows through your downspouts and directly next to your home’s foundation. All that water dumping next to your home’s foundation will lead to water issues in your crawl space or basement and can also lead to major foundation settling issues.
SwainCo. Downspout Extensions are installed below grade and extended far enough away from your home that water can not make it back toward your home’s foundation. Properly extended downspouts can help protect your basement and crawl space from water issues. Extended downspouts away from your home also helps in preventing costly foundation settling issues.

If your downspouts are dumping water directly next to your home’s foundation, now is the time to call SwainCo. Crawl Space and Basement Repair for a free crawl space or basement downspout extension consultation. SwainCo. is Indy’s most trusted name in crawl space and basement repair contracting services.