Indiana Crawl Space Wood Repair Contractors
SwainCo. Crawl Space and Basement Repair services all types of Indiana crawl space wood damage. This includes crawl space floor joist repair, crawl space sill plate repair, crawl space center beam support repair, and subfloor repair for all of Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. SwainCo. is considered one of Indy’s premier structural wood repair contractors. We pride ourselves on being one of the few companies in this industry that repair crawl space wood rot damage the correct way. Signs of crawl space wood rot damage in the living area can be cracks in your dry-wall, doors and windows not operating correctly, or soft and unlevel floors. No matter the type of crawl space wood damage, SwainCo. has the experience and knowledge to fix and protect your most valuable asset, your home.

Indianapolis Crawl Space Sill Plate Repair
Crawl space sill plate is the structural wood that sits on top of your home's foundation wall. The crawl space sill plate is typically anchored or bolted to the top of the home's foundation wall. For most Indiana crawl spaces, the sill plate size is 2’’x4’’, but can also be larger. Sitting directly on top of the foundation wall means this type of wood is more likely to rot before other structural wood in a wet crawl space or a crawl space that is suffering from excessive moisture issues. When crawl space sill plate has rotted, it can cause sections of your flooring system to drop. This is why it is very important to replace the rotted sill plate the correct way, which is to completely remove and replace the entire rotted section of wood. Most importantly, the crawl space water or moisture issues that caused the rot should also be addressed to prevent any future wood rot or mold growth.
Indianapolis Crawl Space Floor Joist Repair
The crawl space floor joist is the structural wood that sits directly on top of your sill plate and spans across the bottom of your sub-floor. The other side of your floor joist will either sit on a main center beam of a foundation wall on the opposite side. Most Indiana crawl space floor joist damage occurs near the area where the joist sits on top of the sill plate, causing floor systems to drop or settle. Crawl space floor joist damage can also occur due to undersized crawl space floor joist spanning too far across the crawl space floor. This can cause the weight of the above area to crack crawl space joist or cause the floor above to settle and slope due to the lack of proper supports underneath it. The type of crawl space floor joist damage plays an important role in the type of repair it needs. Not all crawl space floor joist repairs are the same. Crawl space floor joist rot will need to be removed or sistered, while floor joist that span too far may need additional supports or I-Beam supports. It’s important to have a company that understands the differences in crawl space wood rot repair. SwainCo. prides itself on being that company.
SwainCo. Crawl Space Floor Stabilizers
SwainCo. provides the most effective, state-of-the-art products and services for all your Indiana crawl space floor issues. Some of the most common crawl space floor issues are sagging or unlevel floors. Many of these floor issues are related to improper supports under the floor and not necessarily from crawl space wood rot. SwainCo. Crawl Space Floor Stabilizers use specialty-designed crawl space jacks that can support up to 18,000 lbs each. Combined with high-strength steel support beams, our crawl space floor stabilizers can fix your crawl space floor issues permanently.