Sump Pump Systems for Crawl Space and Basement
Indiana crawl space and basement waterproofing systems are only as effective as the sump pump systems they are connected to. The sump pump system is the most important part of any crawl space or basement drainage system. Without a proper sump pump system, your crawl space or basement waterproofing system can fail. SwainCo. offers the most effective and up-to-date sump pump installation and sump pump products.
Why Is The Type Of Sump Pump System I Use So Important?
The final step in waterproofing a crawl space or basement is the installation of a proper sump pump system, and in basement waterproofing this can also mean a proper basement battery backup sump pump system. A basement or crawl space drainage system works by collecting and channeling water to a sump pump basin. A sump pump installed at the bottom of the sump pump basin then pumps the water away from the home's foundation. If a sump pump basin is not installed correctly or installed at the proper depth, it can have a huge impact on how effective and quick your basement or crawl space drainage system is able to keep water out. This also applies to the type of sump pump being used in the bottom of the sump pump basin. Installing the wrong type or wrong size of sump pump can lead to a complete failure in your crawl space or basement drainage system by not being able to pump the water out fast enough. This allows water to flood the sump basin and the waterproofing system which eventually allows it to flood your basement or crawl space. Our SwainCo. crawl space and basement sump pump experts have the experience, knowledge, and training to give Indiana homeowners peace of mind knowing that the right type of sump pump system is used.

What If I Lose Power During A Storm
A proper crawl space or basement sump pump system does need power to operate. Losing power for any reason can cause your waterproofing systems to fail. This can cause some major issues and damage, especially if you have a finished basement. The best way to prevent this and protect your finished basement during a power outage is to have a Battery Back-Up Sump Pump System installed. A battery backup sump pump system will activate during a power outage and prevent your basement from flooding until power is restored. SwainCo. Battery Back-Up Sump Pump Systems are equipped to handle your basement or crawl space water during a power outage. Our Battery Back-Up Sump Pump Systems use a float switch for activation. Which means these battery backup sump pump systems will also work in case an existing pump has gone bad or is unable to keep up with the water coming into the sump pump basin. A self-diagnostic box is also installed which will keep customers up to date and informed on the current conditions of the battery and alert customers when the battery back-up system is activated.

SwainCo. Crawl Space and Basement Repair provides services for all your crawl space or basement sump pump needs. If you are worried about the performance of an existing sump pump or are in need of additional protection for your finished basement, click here to schedule a free crawl space or basement consultation today. Protect your most valuable asset, your home, and call SwainCo. Crawl Space and Basement Repair today.